Why Avoid Placing Panchmukhi Hanuman at Main Entrance Door

Vastu Shastra, an age-old guide to building and home design, often prompts modern homeowners to ask intriguing questions. One such question is, “Should You Place Panchmukhi Hanuman at Main Entrance Door? OR should you place Ganpati or any other idol at your front door? 

While it may seem to be a straightforward question related to ‘Tips and effective Vastu remedies for main door defects,’ this inquiry actually delves into the basics of Vastu Shastra and practical decision making.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why you should avoid placing Panchmukhi Hanuman or other God’s Idols or photos at Main Entrance Door, and its significance in Vastu Shastra.

Main Door Vastu Dosh:

The direction of your main door is vital because its where positive energies enter your home, bringing luck and well-being.

According to Vastu Shastra, the best directions for a main entrance are East, North, and Northeast

If your entrance door doesn’t align with Vastu Shastra’s recommended direction, it’s considered a Vastu dosha or defect. Vastu Shastra provides remedies to rectify these doshas, and the specific remedy depends on the direction of the door.

While not all homeowners go into intricate remedies, many choose a straightforward approach: they place a photo or idol of Panchmukhi Hanuman or Ganpati at the entrance. This is done to invite auspiciousness; embrace the protection these deities offer.

Challenges in Vastu Shastra Regarding the Main Door:

In apartment living, achieving the ideal entrance direction can be challenging.

When one apartment enjoys a favourable entrance direction, neighbours often end up with entrances facing in completely opposite orientations. This situation can create a dilemma for homeowners following Vastu principles.

As we explore whether you should place Panchmukhi Hanuman outside main door, you can also learn more about creating a well-balanced interior in our blog: ’30 Simple Vastu Tips for the Living Room to Attract Prosperity.’

Should You Place Panchmukhi Hanuman or Ganesh Idols at Main Entrance Door:

In the past, it was a widespread practice to place idols or small temples at the entrances of villages to safeguard the entire community. Additionally, smaller temples and Tulsi Vrindavan were commonly situated within the layouts of “Wada” or “Haveli” residences.

Typically, these temples were positioned in front of the main Wada structure rather than directly at the entrance gate, allowing for simple rituals such as lighting a Diya and offering flowers while preserving the sanctity of the area, free from disturbances.

In recent decades, the practice of placing God idols or photos on entrance doors has emerged as a practical response to the challenges posed by smaller houses and apartments. However, this adaptation has sparked questions about the appropriateness of having deities at the entrance.

Why You Should Mindfully Avoid Placing Panchmukhi Hanuman Outside Your Entrance Door:

Many homeowners traditionally opt to place idols or images of Panchmukhi Hanuman or Lord Ganesh at their main entrances.

While these choices are deeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs, several practical considerations deserve attention.

Symbolism: These deities are our protectors and treating them solely as guard or watchmen may not align with their profound spiritual significance.

Footwear Placement: A common practice is to remove footwear outside the main entrance, and when these deities are placed above the door or on the adjacent wall, it’s like keeping the footwear near these idols or photos.

This unintentionally may lead to a disrespect for these esteemed deities.

Rituals and Pooja: Deity idols are meant for worship and rituals. Placing them at the entrance might not be ideal for Pooja or Archana.

Spiritual Harmony Disrupted: Additionally, every morning, for garbage collection, we keep a dustbin near or in front of the door, which is almost directly in front of these photos. This practice compromises the spiritual sanctity of the space.

So then, ‘Should You Place Idols at the Main Entrance Door?

The choice is yours!

Main entrance door Vastu Remedies:

You might argue that, yes, we agree that placing idols at the main entrance door is similar to disrespecting them.

However, if our home is facing the wrong direction, are there any alternative solutions if not placing idols?

While faith and tradition are essential, there are many places where you need the presence of divine power but cannot place actual idols as-is.

For such situations, Vastu Shastra advises the use of alternatives like sacred symbols or “shubh chinha” such as Trishul, Om, Kalash, Swastik, and Laxmi Charan.

These symbols can be strategically placed at your entrance door to invite blessings and protect your door from negativity.

By using these symbols, you can harness positive energies without physically placing idols.

Shubh Chinha, symbolizing positivity and blessings, provides another option to Place Idols at Main Entrance Door
Exploring Shubh Chinha as an Alternate Option to Place Idols at Main Entrance Door

Addressing Vastu Challenges in a South-Facing Home:

While some advice against choosing south-facing homes, this notion is not absolute.

These residences can be particularly favourable for individuals in media and communications.

For those endowed with strong Mars energy, a south-facing house has the potential to unlock their fullest potential, aiding them in achieving their aspirations.

If you wish, you can also install the ‘Copper Bhaum Yantra’, Dakshin Mukhi Yantra, or Rog Nivaran Yantra at the entrance to act as a shield against Vastu issues in the south.

For detailed remedies for Vastu dosha in the south and other directions, refer to my other blog titled “Useful Tips and Effective Vastu Remedies for Main Door Defect.”

General remedies and considerations that are practical to implement.

Other than having “Shubh Chinha” at the entrance, there are general remedies and considerations that are practical to implement.

1.Ensure that the main entrance door is the largest door in your home.

2.Keep the area near the entrance door beautiful and clean. Check out my other blog for ‘Make Your Entrance Unique: Explore prettiest Colours for Front Door.’

3.If there is another room’s door exactly opposite the main door or visible from the main door, use solid-coloured curtains on that room’s door.

4.According to Vastu, never position a mirror opposite the main door, as it reflects the main door and causes positive energy to bounce back.

5.The main door should open inward and follow a clockwise direction. Though this may be out of your control in an apartment, ensure that your door does not close automatically.

6.It is recommended to have a “GoMukhi” door rather than a “Vyagramukhi” door. To achieve this, a foyer space that starts narrow and opens up wide is essential. According to Vastu, well-decorated foyer spaces at entrances can attract positive energy and bring various benefits.

7.If your main door faces the east or north direction, consider placing a Tulsi plant nearby.

8.Place a threshold at the main door, and it’s suggested to have Laxmi Charan imprinted or drawn on it. You can use rangoli or stickers for this purpose.

9.Trishakti yantra, made up of Trishul, Swastik, and Om, is considered the best remedy for main door Vastu dosh. You can hang this yantra or stick it on both sides of the door without piercing holes in the main sacred symbols.

10.Prevent the door from becoming cranky and making noise when opening and closing. Also, check for dents, scratches, or cracks, as damaged doors can lead to a loss of positive energy.

Wrapping Up:

It’s crucial to understand how traditions and practices have evolved and then assess their relevance in the current situation.

We hope you found this blog informative and applicable.

May the doors of your home always open to good luck and prosperity!

(Image Credit: Canva Pro)

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