13 expert Tips to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room!

Your bedroom is your haven, a place to unwind and escape from the world. Ever wished you could bring the magical ambiance of a hotel room right into your home? I’ve been in the interior design field for 18 years, and you know what? I’ve been asked this question many times: how to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room?

Will you need an interior designer to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room?

Here’s the secret: you don’t necessarily need to hire an interior designer to make your bedroom look like a hotel room.

It’s more easily achievable than you might think.

If you want to decorate your entire home like a professional designer, then read our other blog, How To Design & Decorate Your Home like a pro-5 tips!

Now, how to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room?

Let’s embark on this journey. Here are 13 tricks to transform bedroom into something that feels like a fancy hotel room.

Let’s elaborate on each and every point to guide you in achieving the desired result during your journey!

Trick1: Use colours sparingly:

Have you ever noticed that the interiors of hotel suites or rooms often feature neutral or earthy colours, primarily in shades of grey, greige (a blend of grey and beige), and beige or brown?

These colors create a calming atmosphere, and we’ll keep this in mind as we move forward.

While it’s perfectly fine to introduce a few accent colours, here are some key tips:

  1. Stick Primarily to a Neutral Colour Palette: Choose neutral colours for your decor as the foundation.
  2. Avoid Overloading with Various Colours: Don’t overuse a wide variety of colours; keep it balanced.
  3. Embrace a Single Colour Palette: Aim to use a single colour palette and apply different shades, tones, and tints of that color to various items.
  4. Consider Incorporating Pop-off Colours: For guidance on the right proportion, follow the 60-30-10 rule.

I’ve described the 60-30-10 rule in this blog, and you can find more details by following this link.

image showcases Stylish headboard and use of a single color palette in a bedroom to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room.
Use colors sparingly: Elegant bedroom in a single color palette.

Trick 2: Stylish Headboard to bring a sense of luxury.

Think about getting a tall and good-looking headboard for your bed.

This straightforward move can help your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room. A stylish headboard brings a sense of luxury and sophistication.

It’s a powerful way to boost your bedroom’s appearance, making it cozier and more luxurious.

image showcases Stylish headboard to make your bedroom look like a hotel room.
A stylish headboard brings a sense of luxury and sophistication.

Trick 3: Experiment with textures but avoid multiple patterns

Solid colours are the way to go!

While you can introduce various textures, incorporating multiple patterns can create visual confusion, causing your eye to constantly roam around the room.

For instance, combining a flowery print accent chair with printed curtains, different wall art designs, various rug patterns, and throw pillows with distinct designs can overwhelm the space.

Therefore, the rule is to embrace a variety of textures while adhering to solid colours.

The image in the blog: How to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room showcases how combining too many designs can create visual chaos
Incorporating multiple patterns can create visual chaos, causing your eye to constantly roam around the room.

Trick 4: Layered Lighting:

Most hotel rooms opt for only warm lights. However, in your bedroom, where you’ll be spending many years, you have the liberty to diverge slightly from that choice.

Consider a mix of warm lights and cool lights to make your bedroom look like a hotel room. 

To achieve this, consider incorporating three layers of lighting: ambient lights, task lights, and accent lights, respectively.

Trick 5: Invest in Quality Bedding

Elevate your bedding experience by investing in high-thread-count sheets, preferably with at least 300 thread count, and opt for crisp white linens.

Make sure your bedspread is neatly tucked in for a tidy and inviting appearance.

Additionally, prioritize comfort and soothing textures.

While hotel rooms often feature sateen or percale sheets, choose the material that feels most comfortable to you.

Linen is an excellent choice known for its comfort and breathability.

image showcases comfortable bed matress, pillows and accent lights to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room
Layered lights, quality bedding and comfortable pillows are essential elements to make your bedroom look like a hotel room.

Trick 6: Pillows & Runner

Don’t forget to add plenty of pillows for that hotel room look.

Invest in good, soft, and soothing pillow covers. These covers serve as an excellent medium to introduce textures, patterns, and pops of colour.

Ensure convenient storage for them at night to maintain an organized look and ensure hassle-free access. This way, you won’t feel irritated about keeping and taking them out every day.

Additionally, tastefully introducing a textured bed runner in a complementary color scheme can enhance visual harmony and elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of your bed.

The runner adds a finishing touch while maintaining a sense of balance in your bedroom decor.

Trick 7: Don’t Forget the Floor Rug

Floor rugs help define the space and complement your overall design.

Consider choosing a textured rug with minimal design or no patterns rugs to add comfort and warmth to your bedroom.

Trick 8: Declutter and organise.

Don’t clutter your furniture surfaces with knick-knacks and stationery. Keep the tops of bedside tables, desks, and TV units (if you have one in the bedroom) clear or limit them to just one or two items. 

To maintain an organized and clutter-free bedroom, it’s essential to regularly declutter by removing items you no longer use. You’d be surprised at how many unnecessary things can accumulate over time.

For practical guidance, I’ve compiled an ultimate list of 100 items you can consider removing from your bedroom to kickstart your decluttering journey. You can find the list here.

Trick 9: Minimize visual clutter to make a bedroom look like a luxury hotel room:

This doesn’t pertain to your clothes, shoes, or bags.

Have you ever noticed how hotel rooms often feature a minimalist approach with few accessories or knick-knacks on display?

The idea here is to keep accessories to a minimum. Too many accessories can create visual noise and make the room feel cluttered. For example, if you’re using vases, don’t scatter them everywhere, like on bedside tables, TV units, and desks—limit them to just one.

I recommend displaying only two or three books as accessories; there’s no need to display your entire collection. Avoid overdoing, that’s the key!

Trick 10: Make a bedroom look like a luxury hotel room with Elegant Curtains

Do you seriously want to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room? If so, then hang your curtains near the ceiling for a more polished look.

Opt for solid-coloured curtains to make bedroom look Like a luxury hotel room. Avoid using heavy rods, heavy designer finials, and curtain tiebacks.

If possible, consider using sheer curtains.

image showcasing image of Solid-colored curtains paired with sheer curtains to make a bedroom look like a luxury hotel room.
Solid-coloured curtains paired with sheer curtains to make bedroom look Like a luxury hotel room.

Extend your curtains beyond the window frame to create a sense of spaciousness. For more guidance on choosing the perfect curtains, you can refer to my blog on ‘how to choose perfect curtains.

Trick 11: Embrace Large Mirrors

As you work on transforming your bedroom into a hotel-like haven, don’t forget to include a large mirror near your bed or on one of the walls.

If you’re short on free wall space, you can also opt for mirrors on your wardrobe doors. Mirrors have the remarkable ability to make your space appear larger and more illuminated.

For that chic, hotel-inspired vibe, consider opting for thin-framed or frameless mirrors. It will add a touch of contemporary elegance and contribute to a more luxurious and welcoming atmosphere in your bedroom.

image showcases bold and large mirror-wall art to Make a Bedroom Look Like a Luxury Hotel Room
Invest in large wall art for a statement piece to make a bedroom look like a luxury hotel room

Trick 12: Large Wall Art

Invest in large wall art for a statement piece but avoid overloading your walls.

If you have bold wall art, consider pairing it with a sleek wall clock. Alternatively, opt for a decorative clock that can also serve as art. Discover more tips on choosing the perfect wall clock in this blog post.

Trick 13: A Cozy Coffee and Tea Corner to make a bedroom look like a luxury hotel room

If you have the space, consider a cozy ‘Coffee and Tea Corner’ to make your bedroom look like a hotel room, keeping a small tray with some mugs, and tea or coffee supplies.

You don’t need to invest in a coffee maker; a small, budget-friendly kettle will suffice to create a cozy haven. The aroma of fresh coffee wafting through your room will instantly put you in a holiday mood. Plus, it will be handy for late-night coffee or weekend bed tea and coffee sessions.

The aroma of fresh coffee wafting through your room will instantly put you in a holiday mood.

In this blog, some accessories, like a ‘headboard,’ might be a little expensive for some. But don’t worry if you’re seeking budget-friendly ideas. In an upcoming blog, I’ll show you how to achieve this look without breaking the bank.

Wrap Up:

So finally, your bedroom is your personal sanctuary, and with a little effort, you can give it the upscale hotel vibe you’ve always wanted.

I hope you’ve found these tips valuable and that they assist you in creating the hotel-like bedroom of your dreams.

keep an eye out for my upcoming blogs, where I’ll share budget-friendly ideas to help you achieve this look. Till the, stay inspired and keep ‘Creating Cozy Haven with Style!’

3 thoughts on “13 expert Tips to make your bedroom look like a luxury hotel room!”

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