30 Simple Vastu Tips for the Living Room to Attract Prosperity.

Before we get into the topic of Vastu tips for the living room, let me share a bit about my 18 years of experience working in the field of interior design. In this time, I’ve had the privilege of meeting countless homeowners, each one a unique individual with distinct tastes and preferences. It goes beyond just budgets and favourite colours; it’s about their stories, future plans, how they raise their kids, entertain guests, and their beliefs about life.

And when I talk about beliefs, I’m not just referring to religious beliefs; it’s about how people view life. For instance, some folks cherish family time, creating a cozy TV spot to watch together.

Others prefer a more personal touch, not inclined to share the remote. Then there are those who choose a TV-free home. Our life stories shape not only what we buy and how we spend but also how we use things at home.

Of course, there can be religious beliefs that, as designers, we have to consider. Some have a separate pooja or prayer room, some have a small but dedicated sacred space, while others don’t bother.

I’ve learned that there’s no right or wrong belief. Some are extremists in every way, some follow minimalism, but our challenge starts when some clients say they want everything in moderation.

As the idea of moderation is relative, finding that balance becomes our task.

A well-designed living room following Vastu Tips for the Living Room.
Create a serene living room by arranging furniture according to Vastu, ensuring light furniture or free space in the auspicious Northeast corner.

This diversity extends to how furniture is arranged, and spaces are planned. Some clients are all in, wanting their whole home to follow every rule and principle of Vastu Shastra, while others are devoted followers of Feng Shui.

Some find a middle ground, applying these principles selectively to basics like bed placement, living room layouts, main door direction, and kitchen platform orientation.

And of course, there are those who aren’t fussed about any of it.

As a designer, it’s crucial to grasp each homeowner’s desires and tailor the space planning accordingly.

It’s about understanding and accommodating what works best for them.

1. Do all homeowners swear by Vastu Shastra Rules?

Today’s blog is for Vastu Shastra enthusiasts who want to align their living room with these principles. In this blog, we discuss ‘Vastu tips for the living room’ to enhance good energies, prosperity, wealth, and health.

By the way, in Vastu, the main door entry is crucial for good luck and prosperity, and I have a dedicated blog here covering the right directions for the main entry door and what to do if you don’t have the privilege of the right directions.

And if Vastu Shastra or Feng Shui isn’t your thing, no worries! We’ve got another blog on cleaning and organizing because a tidy home brings good vibes and positive energy.

Now, let’s explore some valuable Vastu tips for the living room to enhance the energy and harmony in your living space.

2. Here are some simple and practical Vastu tips for the living room to enhance prosperity:

(2.1) Architectural Insights: Exploring Some Considerations

1. Best Direction: According to Vastu Shastra, the best directions for the living room are the East and North zones of your home.

2.Vastu Harmony: When you sit in your living room, face towards the north, east, or northeast. Guests can sit facing any direction as they will be leaving soon. 

When you sit in your living room, face towards the north, east, or northeast.

3. Avoid Facing South: Avoid Facing South for Too Long. It’s advised not to sit facing the south direction for an extended period.

4. Beam: If there are any exposed overhead beams in your drawing room, it’s advisable to hide or camouflage them with a false ceiling. This helps in preventing the influx of negative energy into your living room.

If that is not possible then at least avoid sitting directly under a beam. When you’re jazzing up your living room, take a moment to play around with where your furniture goes.

Dive into our blog titled “Complete Guide to Furniture Arrangement” for some living room furniture layout tips for planning furniture arrangement.

5. Door Selection: If possible, opt for a ‘Gomukhi’ entrance. In case your home has a ‘Vyagramukhi’ entrance, create a symbolic partition.

Exploring Vastu Tips for the Living Room without changes? Also, refer to our blog titled “Useful Tips and Effective Vastu Remedies For Main Door” for more insights.

6. Entrance Shadows: Keep things simple at the entrance – avoid placing anything that creates a shadow.

7. Windows and Sun Symbolism: Ideally, have windows on the north and west walls. If that’s not possible, hang a picture of the sun on the east wall for a symbolic presence. You can also get creative with faux windows.

8. South Windows: Avoid large windows in the south. If you have them, cover them with solid-color curtains.

If you want to know how to select the right curtains, read our blog titled “How to Choose Curtains: Top 5 Essential Factors for Smart Buying.”

9. Color Selection: Choose colours based on the Vastu zone your living room falls into. Cream, white, off-white, and light beige work well for the east, while yellowish hues complement the northeast.

Green shades suit the north, silver grey for the southeast, and blue for the west.

Infuse harmony and balance into your living room with a color scheme inspired by Vastu principles.

If you are placing a sofa on the west wall in the living room, a blue sofa is advisable. A blue sofa also gives you the liberty to change the look of your living room with small adjustments.

Check out our blog “15 Blue Sofa Living Room Ideas You will love” for more inspiration.

(2.2) Transform with Ease: Vastu Tips for the Living Room without making any Changes:

10. Northeast Corner: The northeastern corner is the most auspicious place for your home, symbolizing spiritual and religious aspects.

Embrace minimalism in the northeast corner of your living room – keep it empty or use lightweight furniture.

Add a Tulsi or Holy Basil plant or water elements to the northeast corner. This will reduce the side effects of your Vastu dosha.

Take a moment to play around with where your furniture goes.

11. Northeast Corner Water Element: Place a copper pot or kalash filled with water in the northeast corner for health, good relations, and prosperity.

You can also keep a small water fountain or a small aquarium in this direction.

Alternatively, you can bring a water element to the north for career growth.

Avoid placing a mirror opposite the entrance.

Thoughtfully position a water element to align with Vastu principles.

12. Southwest Corner: The southwest corner is related to career and stability. Keep heavy furniture and terracotta pots for the career growth of the homeowner.

According to Vastu, never keep water elements like an aquarium or fountain, as they may impact or deplete your wealth.

Create a grounded and stable living room by placing heavy furniture and vases in the Southwest Direction.

13. Money Plant: Lord Kubera is the God of wealth, and he rules the north direction.

So, place a money plant in the north for wealth and prosperity.

Invite wealth and prosperity into your home with a strategically placed money plant, guided by Vastu Tips for the Living Room

14. Basil Plant Placement: Keep a basil plant in the north, northeast, or east direction.

If your home doesn’t receive enough sunlight, then it is difficult to grow basil. In that case, you may consider placing a bamboo plant in this direction.

Embracing vitality with the auspicious basil plant in your living space.

15. Lucky Turtle Charm: As per Vastu rules, turtles are considered symbols of good fortune and prosperity.

Placing a turtle in water on the north side, with its tail pointing towards the north as if it’s entering your home from the north, is believed to bring in good luck and wealth.

For health-related matters, put the turtle in the northeast direction. You can choose a turtle made of crystal or any white metal.

To improve relationships, arrange a group of brass turtles in the southwest direction. Always make sure the turtle is kept in water and placed on the ground.

 One of the easy Vastu Tips for the Living Room to follow
The turtle brings good luck and fortune when placed according to Vastu principles in your living room.

16. Fresh Flowers: Avoid dry flowers. Use fresh flowers for positive vibes.

Add a touch of positivity and freshness to your living room with vibrant fresh flowers, in alignment with Vastu guidelines.

17. Enhancing Elephant Presence: According to Vastu and Feng Shui, strategically placing elephant showpieces near the front door or main entrance of your house or office is considered auspicious.

For optimal benefits, position the elephants facing north to attract good luck.

Ensuring that elephants are consistently oriented towards the north direction maximizes their positive impact on your space.

Welcome good luck and prosperity with a pair of elephants strategically placed near the entrance, facing North as per Vastu Principals.

(2.3) Vastu Tips for the Living Room without making any changes.

18. Avoid Hanging Pointed Objects: Foster safety and positive vibes by refraining from hanging pointed objects.

19. Mirror: Always choose the north or east for mirrors, as these directions create a harmonious setting.

Mirrors double whatever is reflected in them. Placing mirrors in the east and north brings prosperity, as they amplify positive energies.

Never place a mirror on south and west walls.

Harness the power of positive reflection by placing mirrors on the East, Northwest, or North wall, following Vastu Tips for the Living Room.

20. Clock Placement:

Avoid placing wall clocks on the south wall.

The south wall is associated with ‘Yama’, a direction to avoid placing clocks. Opt for the north or east wall for hanging clocks.

If these walls are unavailable, consider a table clock in the north or east direction. But never place a clock on the south wall.

Never use a broken or non-functional wall clock; repair it immediately. Need tips on selecting the perfect living room clock? Our blog has all the details you need.

21. Respectful Display of God’s Pictures: Avoid hanging God’s pictures as wall art. Create a dedicated space for God’s pictures and idols where they won’t be disrespected.

22. Proper Lighting for Ambiance: Ensure proper lighting to instantly change the mood and look of your living room.

Explore our blog for guidance on selecting lights.

23. Banish Bad Vibes: Removing broken pieces, non-functional appliances, broken mirrors, cracked glass, etc., might invite negative energy and bad luck.

24. Fragrance Matters: Always maintain a pleasant fragrance using incense, fresh flowers, scented candles, or sprays.

25. Clutter-Free Space: Foster positive energy by keeping your living room clutter-free. Dive into more tips on motivation and decluttering in blog “How To Declutter and Organize Your Home: 20 Easy Tips”.

Clutter-Free Haven: Transform your living room into a serene, clutter-free sanctuary for positive vibes.

26. Positive Vibes: Opt for artwork that radiates positive energy, avoiding images depicting crying babies, wars, accidents, or wild animals.

Your home shouldn’t look dull. Whatever your budget, it should always be organized, clutter-free, and vibrant. Explore our blog “Drab to Fab” for tips on how to make your dull home look vibrant.

(2.4) Executing Vastu Tips for the Living Room: Relocating Electric Points

27. TV Placement: If you have a TV, consider placing it in the southeast direction.

Enhance positive energy flow by positioning your TV on the South East wall, aligning with Vastu guidelines for the living room.

28. Electronic Devices: Keep electronic devices in the southeast or south so that the positive energies in the room are not blocked.

29. Cooler and AC Placement: When it comes to air coolers and air conditioners, go for the west, northwest, or north. However, steer clear of placing them in the southeast.

30.Telephone: Place the telephone in the East, South-East, or North. Avoid placing it in the South-West or North-West.

3. Bonus Tip:

Sweet Gestures for Guests: Embrace each guest as a harbinger of prosperity, symbolizing good luck and opportunities.

Extend your hospitality by placing toffees or chocolates in a bowl for your guests. Offer them sweets, like a bit of sugar on the palm, as a parting gesture.

4. Conclusion:

Using Vastu should not be perceived as just a trend; it’s a practice that brings more positivity and prosperity into your home. By incorporating these 30 Simple Vastu Tips for the Living Room, you can enhance the energy and planning typology of your living room. Everything from furniture arrangements to colour palettes becomes crucial when aligning with Vastu principles.

So, if you’re aiming to infuse positive vibes into your home, these Vastu tips for the living room are a great starting point.

2 thoughts on “30 Simple Vastu Tips for the Living Room to Attract Prosperity.”

  1. Pingback: December - Should You Place Idols at Main Entrance Door?

  2. Pingback: Living Room Layout: Complete Guide to Furniture Arrangement

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