Living Room Essentials Checklist: for New Apartment.

Creating a warm and stylish living room is every homeowner’s dream as it mirrors their distinct personality and sets the tone for the rest of their home. However, it can be a daunting task, as deciding what to include and what to leave out can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We’re here to share a complete living room essentials checklist, helping you navigate through the process with ease!

A Living Room Essentials Checklist for Budget Planning

If you are starting the interior design of a living room from scratch or renovating an existing room, you need to allocate a certain budget.

Since every item, even a flower vase, is essential for a complete look, having all the items in front of you allows you to assign a budget for each item. This way, you won’t end up spending all the budget on some items and not have enough left for others.

The Living Room Essentials Checklist has been categorized for simplified purchase planning, making the decorating process more organized and efficient.

It prevents you from overlooking important items necessary for creating a balanced and inviting space.

3 Basic categories in Living Room Essentials Checklist:

(A) Furniture

(B) Accessories

(C) Electronics

This categorization in Living Room Essentials Checklist helps you allocate funds for each category, preventing overspending in any one category.

A Living Room Essentials Checklist of 25 Items:

furniture: the first category in the Living Room Essentials Checklist
Collect Inspirational Images for Creating Living Room Essentials Checklist for your own design journey.

As we delve into our Living Room Essentials Checklist, let’s begin with the essentials in the First category.


Your living room is undeniably the heart of your home—a space where comfort and style seamlessly blend.

Let’s begin by exploring the essential furniture pieces that will serve as the foundation of your cozy oasis.

1. Sofa:

contemporary living room with sofa n tv unit
Your sofa defines your living room’s character.

The sofa is the main identity of your living room, its colour dominates the entire interior of your home, so choose one that not only suits your style but also offers ultimate comfort.

Consider other factors like design, size, material, and comfort to ensure it complements your decor seamlessly.

Suggested Read: Seven Timeless and Popular Sofa Colours for Your Home That Never Go Out of Style.

2. Chairs:

To accommodate guests and create versatile seating options, incorporate chairs that match your sofa or introduce complementary designs for a bit of flair. If you want to know how to select the right chair for your living room and understand their pros and cons, you can find more information in our blog, ‘what is an Accent Chair & How to Choose perfect One?

3. TV Unit or Console Table:

Keeping your essentials organized and showcasing your TV accessories, a TV unit or console table is a practical addition that blends with your overall design.

4. Display Unit:

Versatile unit for storing essentials, displaying decorative items, or showcasing your book collection in a well-designed living space.
A versatile unit that combines functionality and aesthetics, enhancing your living space with style.

Consider adding a unit to store some essentials, showcase decorative articles or your collection of books, enhancing your living space.

5.Center Table:

The central coffee table takes center stage in the living room, providing a functional surface for placing beverages, books, and decorative items. If you want to know which centre table is in style, read our blog for more insights.

6. Corner Table or Side Table:

These versatile pieces offer both functionality and aesthetics, providing extra storage and surface space for lamps, plants, or your favourite décor.

7. Shoe Rack:

entrance unit with a closed shoe rack, hooks for hats and umbrellas, a designated place for helmets, and a comfortable bench for seating.
An inviting and organized home entrance – where convenience meets style.

A clutter-free room is the foundation of beautiful interior decor. To maintain tidiness, keep shoes organized, and ensure clutter stays out of sight, consider incorporating an appropriately sized shoe rack in your living room.

If you’re looking to develop effective habits for keeping everything organized, you can explore more tips and insights in our blog- ‘How to Declutter and Organize Your Home: 20 Easy Tips’. 

8. Coat Hanger/Helmet Storage:

It is essential to have a convenient place for hanging coats, storing helmets, or other items for both convenience and neatness.


Often underestimated, accessories play a crucial role in elevating your interior by adding personality and charm, transforming your living room into a masterpiece.

If your interior feels dull, consider incorporating vibrant accents to infuse life into it. Explore more useful tips on transforming a drab space into a fab one in our blog ‘Drab to Fab.’

Accessories are the finishing touches that should never be overlooked. In fact, accessories are so vital that with budget-friendly furniture and exquisite accessories, you can create a glamorous look that truly stands out.

Even though you spend a lot on furniture and electronics, not paying attention to accessories can stop you from achieving the sophisticated designer look you want.

9. Curtains:

 Accessories: Third category in the Living Room Essentials Checklist
Elegant curtains transform your space.

Select stylish curtains that not only control light and privacy but also enhance the overall aesthetic of your living room.

Additionally, if you’re considering sheer curtains and wondering whether your neighbours can see through them, you can find more information in our blog- ‘why should you consider sheer curtains? Discover Elegance & Privacy.’

10. Curtain Rod and Finials:

These often-overlooked elements can serve as decorative accents that tie your curtains and the room’s theme together. If you want to learn more about adding functional elegance to your curtains, you can read our blog – ‘Curtains: Top 5 Essential Factors for Smart Buying.’

11. Floor Rug:

A well-chosen rug can define a seating area, add warmth, and provide a visual anchor for your living room.

12. Throw Pillows:

throw pillows and rugs, adding coziness and style to the living room
Cozy up your living room with throw pillows and stylish floor rugs

These versatile items bring colour, patterns, comfort, and a touch of personality to your seating.

For more insights on how throw pillows can elevate your home interiors with a stylish touch, read our blog ‘Throw Pillows: Elevating Home Interiors with Stylish Touch!’.

13. Throw Rug:

Place a small rug in strategic spots to add texture and define spaces within your living room.

14. Wall Art:

a well-decorated living room wall behind a sofa, adorned with captivating wall art and a stylish wall clock.
Make your living room a masterpiece with captivating wall art and a stylish wall clock

Decorate your walls with art that reflects your style and adds visual interest to the room.

15. Clock (Wall or Table Clock):

Stay punctual in style with a clock that complements your decor.

If you’re contemplating a wall clock and need guidance on selecting the perfect one for your living room, you can find valuable insights in our blog- ‘How to Choose a Wall Clock for Living Room – 7 Tips’

16. Vases:

Elegant vases can be both functional and decorative, adding a touch of sophistication to your living space.

a unique console table adorned with vases and a lush plant.
A unique console table adorned with vases and a lush plant.

17. Plants:

Bringing greenery into your living room breathes life into the space and creates a refreshing atmosphere.

18. Tray:

A tray can help you keep small items like knick-knacks, potpourri, or small plants neatly organized and displayed.

19. Something Personal:

Industrial rack showcasing artifacts and books
Transform your living room into a gallery of memories and artistry with stylish display unit.

Incorporate items that hold sentimental value to make your living room truly unique and meaningful.

Your living room electronics play a pivotal role in enhancing your entertainment and relaxation experience.

This category is highly personalized; for instance, you may choose to include a music system, while others may prefer not to.

Some might opt for a separate media room for their television, while you may decide to keep the TV in the living room, all based on individual preferences and lifestyle choices.

Furthermore, the climate in some countries may necessitate a fireplace, while others may benefit from a ceiling fan or AC, so feel free to customize the list of electronics in your living room to suit your unique needs and preferences.

(B) Electronics:

Introducing the second category of our Living Room Essentials Checklist: Electronics. Below, you’ll find the items included in this category.

20. Music System

21. TV

22. Fireplace: Depending on your needs and climate

23. Air Conditioning (AC) Unit: especially in regions with varying temperatures.

24. Light Fixtures:

Proper lighting is essential to enhance the ambiance of your living room.

Select light fixtures that match your theme and consider incorporating both warm and cool lighting for versatility. Layered lighting can set the right mood for any occasion.

Instead of having light fixtures just for illumination, consider all three layers of lights for each room based on your budget. Wondering what layered lighting is all about? Dive into our blog to discover its magic here.

For more guidance on selecting the perfect lights for your home, check out another insightful read in our blog collection here.

25. Ceiling Fan

Electronics in the living room: second category in the Living Room Essentials Checklist
Modern living room with a sleek TV unit and cozy fireplace, embracing the Electronics category in style.

Wrapping Up:

Remember, accessories play a significant role in enhancing your interior, so take your time selecting them to achieve a harmonious and personalized space that you’ll love spending time in.

With this living room essentials checklist, by distributing your budget evenly across these three categories, you’ll create a balanced and inviting living room that authentically represents you.

And finally, stay tuned for more home renovation stories and design insights. Till then, stay inspired and keep ‘Creating Cozy Haven with Style!

(Image Credit: Canva Pro)

2 thoughts on “Living Room Essentials Checklist: for New Apartment.”

  1. Pingback: Types Of Sofas You Should Know Before Buying - CozyHavenTales

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