Simplify Your Space: How to organise kitchen to make it functional!

Simplify Your Space: How to organise kitchen to make it functional!

Transform frustration into joy: Tackle kitchen chaos for a happier cooking experience.

If you feel overwhelmed while cooking and your kitchen becomes a mess even after making a single dish, and you find yourself searching for things all the time, then your kitchen is probably a chaos zone. Figuring out how to organize and maintain your kitchen might seem hard at first. However, once you’ve decluttered, set up a system, and cracked the code on how to organize any space, maintaining it becomes a breeze. The only thing you need to do is follow a few habits.

Ah, home sweet home! Some days it’s well-organized, neat, and clean, and other days, well, it’s more like a tornado blew through.
I don’t know about you, but do you know what most people do? Most of them follow a similar routine.

(1) What Goes Wrong:

You know how it goes, right?

Most folks finish up their main chores, then it’s time to tackle the chaos. Yeah, I used to be in that boat too. Basically, every task turned into a mini tornado, especially during my university days. Whether it was waking up, showering, chilling with a movie, or cooking dinner, it seemed like chaos was my constant companion. I’d spend a lot of time on the task itself and then double the time cleaning up the mess I created along the journey.

Sure, I’d eventually tidy up, but was it worth it? Not really. It left me exhausted, always rushing, always hunting for something amidst that clutter. There was always some mess, waiting for me to deal with it.

But when I became a mom and had to cook many meals while managing my career and other responsibilities, I realized that even if other rooms have some mess that can be cleared up later, the kitchen—the heart of your home—has to be neat and organized if you want to work there efficiently.

(2) Organising kitchen to make it more functional.

Imagine trying to whip up a meal in a kitchen where finding a spatula feels like a treasure hunt. Not exactly the recipe for a happy cooking experience, right?

So, if you want to learn how to organize your kitchen to make it more functional and easier to work in, keep reading.

When I talk about kitchen organization, I don’t mean a one-time effort. You have to follow some rules. This will help you stay disciplined in decluttering and organizing your kitchen, keeping it in tip-top shape.

Furthermore, I recommend reading the article “20 Tips to Keep Your Decluttering and Organization Game Rolling” to maintain your motivation on this journey towards ensuring your entire home remains both tidy and functional.

Simple Tips for Organized and Efficient Kitchen Countertops.
Simple Tips for Organized and Efficient Kitchen Countertops.

(3) Tips to organize and maintain your kitchen?

So, how do we turn kitchen chaos into culinary bliss? Let’s dive into some down-home solutions together! In every home, kitchens vary in layout, and family lifestyles differ. But for most of us, the kitchen is more than just a place for food prep.

With a few easy habits, you can turn your daily kitchen routine into a joyful experience—less food waste, less frustration, and a happier cooking environment.

So let’s get started!

(3.1) Transform frustration into joy:

There’s no denying that cooking is interesting and can even be therapeutic. However, after years of almost the same routine, it’s natural to feel a bit bored.

For a happier cooking experience, the first thing you’ll need to address is tackling kitchen chaos. So, don’t feel guilty if you’re feeling uninspired to cook and your kitchen is cluttered at the moment. Find ways to make your cooking enjoyable. Watch cooking shows, wear a nice apron, indulge in a pleasant perfume while you’re in the kitchen. Cooking at home regularly should be an enjoyable experience to keep you motivated.

(3.2) Clear Out and Clean It Up:

Start by decluttering items you hardly ever use. Take a look at your appliances and tools—anything that hasn’t seen the light of day in a couple of years probably won’t be missed.

Be realistic here. If you think you might need something, analyse the situation and consider when you’ll actually use it. Chances are, you won’t find many occasions.

I once had a client who was showcasing her extensive crockery collection before designing a crockery unit. Upon inspection, I noticed she hadn’t used some pieces in years, maybe even a decade. However, she was in denial.

For instance, she had three sets of pasta bowls, each set containing a dozen bowls. After discussing her needs, we realized she only required 3-4 plates of each type for variety. She mentioned that she rarely prepares pasta when guests are over, and even if she does, it’s not typically served as a standalone dish but as part of a meal with other items, usually in serving bowls. Thus, she only needed pasta dishes for her family of three or occasionally for her daughter and a few friends during sleepovers.

After our discussion, she decided to declutter the excess crockery, ultimately saving lots of square feet of space in the crockery unit.

Remember, having possessions is about appreciating, using, and cherishing them—not hoarding. We’ve all heard the story of the old lady and her possessions.

Also, check for extra containers, plates, and utensils. This will free up more space and make it easier to find what you need. Consider donating or discarding items that are just taking up space and not aiding you in your everyday cooking.

(3.3) Zone Your Kitchen:

When setting up your kitchen, carefully consider the placement of every item and designate specific areas for different tasks, such as preparation, cooking, and storage.

1. In the preparation zone, keep essentials like the mixer-grinder, chopping board, knives, strainer, and other tools and appliances you’ll frequently use. Arrange them for easy access, ensuring you don’t have to walk more than 8 steps between work zones to minimize unnecessary movement.

2. Strategically store key ingredients in cabinets located above or near the stove, ensuring easy access during cooking.

3. Place pots and pans near the stove for convenience during cooking sessions.

4. If you’re right-handed, position the cutlery tray on the right side; if you’re left-handed, opt for the left side.

5. Put electronic gadgets away from the stove to keep them clean.

6. Keep everyday dishes close to the sink or dishwasher for efficient cleanup after meals. Ideally, position the dishwasher adjacent to the sink for seamless workflow.

By following this simple plan, you’ll optimize the functionality of your kitchen, making it easier to use and ensuring everything stays in its rightful place.

(3.4) Invest in Storage Solutions:

Investing in storage solutions tailored to your kitchen’s layout and size can greatly enhance its functionality.

1. Consider incorporating dividers, pull-out shelves, and see-through containers into your storage setup. Dividers help to keep items neatly separated and organized, preventing clutter from accumulating. Pull-out shelves maximize storage space by allowing easy access to items stored in the back of cabinets, eliminating the need to rummage through stacks of pots and pans.

2. Additionally, see-through containers offer the advantage of quick visual identification, making it effortless to locate specific ingredients or items. By utilizing these storage solutions, you not only keep your kitchen tidy but also simplify the process of finding what you need, streamlining your cooking experience.

(3.5) The Power of Glamour:

Make your kitchen more than just functional; make it charming. It’s not just about keeping things neat; it’s about infusing your kitchen with a sense of glamour and adding your personal flair to the space.

You don’t have to splurge on sleek countertops or fancy lighting fixtures; instead, get creative with decor.

Hang up a fun message board, display your wine glasses, or create a cozy coffee corner.

Introduce plants in elegant planters, display attractive containers, and use tasteful decorative items—just be mindful not to overdo it. A couple of plants and one or two decorative items can transform the atmosphere without overwhelming the space.

A small investment in sprucing up your kitchen’s look will make it more welcoming and inspire your culinary adventures. Plus, by cooking at home instead of ordering takeout, you’ll save money and enjoy healthier, more satisfying meals.

Bonus Tip: If you have an attached balcony or a window, consider using sheer curtains to allow ample natural light. Dive into our blog –‘Can sheer curtains provide privacy from prying neighbours?’.

(3.6) Illuminate Your Kitchen:

Don’t underestimate the magic of warm lighting. Lighting has the power to transform the ambiance and mood of your kitchen, serving as the secret ingredient to effortless glamour.

Consider incorporating lighting solutions such as lights below cabinets, above cabinets, and above the stove. Adding pendant lights can also enhance the overall aesthetic. If you don’t have electrical points available, battery-operated lights are a convenient alternative. Avoid using Christmas lights unless you’re decorating a room in a boho design style, where they can add a charming touch.

(3.7) Thoughtful Purchases:

Before adding new kitchen gadgets or appliances to your collection, pause and reconsider whether they genuinely serve a purpose in your kitchen.

Avoid cluttering your space with items that will rarely be used.

Being mindful of your purchases contributes to maintaining a clutter-free and functional kitchen.

(3.8) Keep It Simple:

Don’t complicate your organizational system. Keep it simple and tailored to your needs. Avoid unnecessary gadgets or tools that clutter your space. A straightforward approach ensures you can easily maintain organization without feeling overwhelmed.

Don’t get annoyed finding expired stuff—just label and date your pantry and fridge items. It helps you know what you have and use things before they go bad, cutting down on food waste.

(3.9) Regular Maintenance:

Maintaining kitchen organization is an ongoing effort.

Set aside time periodically to check your cabinets and drawers, making sure everything is still in its designated spot. It’s much simpler to maintain order than to start the organization process from scratch.

And here’s a bonus tip: just as a well-organized kitchen contributes to peace of mind, the same holds true for your bedroom. To enhance efficiency and tranquillity, keep your own bedroom clean and organized. Consider removing unwanted and unused items from your bedroom—check out our blog on ‘100 Items You Should Remove from Your Bedroom to Simplify Your Life’ for more insights.

(3.10) Involve the Family:

While you explore 'how to organise kitchen', Involve the Family

Get the whole family involved.

Assign tasks to each member, making it a joint effort. Teach everyone the importance of a tidy kitchen, creating shared responsibility for a functional and organized space.

(3.11) A Meal-Planning:

Utilize a bulletin board or a magnetic chalkboard to keep track of recipes, shopping lists, and your weekly meal plans.

This small addition will not only help you stay organized but also reduce last-minute mealtime stress.

(3.12) Cultivate Daily Habits:

Incorporate easy habits into your daily routine to maintain an organized kitchen.

While cooking, keep containers and unused ingredients in their designated places. Begin loading utensils into the dishwasher or placing them in the sink while food is still cooking on the stove or in the microwave. After cooking, but before sitting down to eat, take a few minutes to clean and put away utensils and dishes. Regularly wipe down surfaces to prevent dirt and grime buildup.

These simple habits make it effortless to keep your kitchen organized.

(4) Wrapping UP:

In conclusion, turning your kitchen into an organized and efficient space doesn’t have to be a big task. Start by decluttering, set up designated zones, use practical storage solutions, and cultivate daily habits. Keep it simple, involve the family, and enjoy the benefits of less waste, reduced frustration, and the pleasure of cooking in a happy kitchen.

1 thought on “Simplify Your Space: How to organise kitchen to make it functional!”

  1. Pingback: Discover the Magic: Inspiring Ideas for Sage Green Kitchen Cabinets

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